Roland Gutierrez Campaign

Press Contact: Jorge Vasquez
[email protected]
(210) 279-7147


Reckless gun laws put lives of children and teachers in jeopardy

For Immediate Release: September 22, 2023

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS – Today, President Joe Biden announced the establishment of the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, a response to enforcing the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, gun safety legislation passed in the wake of the Uvalde school shooting.  

Texas State Senator Roland Gutierrez, whose district includes Uvalde, released the following statement: 

“Since May 24th, the surviving families of Uvalde have faced lies and neglect from a political system that owes them answers for the failed response to the Robb Elementary shooting, and yet that very system has done nothing to grant them answers.

“What happened in Uvalde haunts us all. It’s a horror that is still with me and many Texans. We don’t have to live like this. We can take action, and today, President Biden did. From the bottom of my heart, I thank President Biden for establishing this historic gun violence prevention office.

“Texans are demanding common sense gun safety laws. They want leadership from elected officials, not cowardice. Ted Cruz has had every opportunity to take a stand, but he would rather kowtow to the NRA and the gun lobby. It’s time for Ted to go. We need to fight for a Texas that keeps our families and communities safe.”
