Roland Gutierrez Campaign

Press Release

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Press Contact: Jorge Vasquez
(210) 279-7147


Gutierrez’s primary opponent sides with hard-right Republicans in signifying defiance against Biden’s border policies

For Immediate Release: January 17, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Roland Gutierrez blasted U.S. Senate primary opponent Colin Allred for voting with Republican extremists against President Biden, fueling antics at the Texas Border. 

“Dysfunction in D.C. has led to failed policies that do not address the root of the problem and push a broken extremist agenda. Congressman Colin Allred joins those that have used the Texas border as a tool to further their dangerous anti-democratic agenda.

“After Trump, there’s not a whole lot of bipartisanship going around. When Republicans in Texas refuse to take accountability for their stunts at the border that come at the cost of human lives – that’s not bipartisanship.

“The system is broken because Washington politicians like Allred and these extremist Republicans he voted with have done nothing to fix it.”

Senator Gutierrez is an immigration lawyer from South Texas and has represented over 400 miles of the Texas-Mexico border in his State Senate district. Senator Gutierrez is the only candidate in the race to release a five-point immigration plan that would address the heavy burden of Texas’ broken border:

  1. Stop Drug Cartels and Human Trafficking
  2. Fix and streamline dysfunctional visa program
  3. New work program for arriving migrants
  4. Justice for DREAMers
  5. Pathway to normalcy for undocumented workers

Gutierrez’s primary opponent, U.S. Representative Colin Allred, has praised ineffective border policies like Trump’s border wall as “necessary.”  

In a recent interview with NBC 5, Allred doubled down his support of the border wall with Mexico, at odds with a previous statement that his generation will be the one that tears the wall down.

“The Democratic nominee that goes up against Ted Cruz should fight tooth and nail against Trump’s dangerous so-called policies. If our nominee agrees with Trump and Ted Cruz’s idea of border security then we’re in a hell of a lot of trouble,” said Sen. Gutierrez.
