Roland Gutierrez Campaign

Press Contact: Jorge Vasquez
(210) 279-7147

Senator Roland Gutierrez Applauds Federal Investigation into Operation Lone Star, Calls for an End to Cruelty at the Border

Operation Lone Star is shameful and wasteful; the sooner it is over, the better.

For Immediate Release: August 22, 2023

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS – Today, Senator Roland Gutierrez applauded the Department of Justice’s investigation into Operation Lone Star. As the nation’s attention turns to today’s court date, Gutierrez emphasizes the importance of the federal government’s intervention to address the cruelty and inhumanity perpetuated by Republicans. The Senator highlights the urgency of ending the Republican-driven barbaric practices at the border.

“Today marks a significant day as the Department of Justice sues to end Operation Lone Star. I commend the federal government’s involvement in shedding light on the deeply troubling allegations surrounding the operation’s cruelty at the border,” stated Senator Gutierrez. “It’s a crucial step towards addressing the inhumanity and ensuring that our values of compassion and empathy are upheld.”

The Senator makes a firm stance against the practices that have come to light. “The cruelty and abuse happening under Operation Lone Star are not reflective of the America we believe in or the Texas we live in. People come here in search of the American Dream and instead they find themselves in a hellish nightmare. Families being torn apart, vulnerable migrants subjected to razor wire and buoy death traps – these practices are barbaric and have no place in a free society.”

Gutierrez underscores the need for accountability and justice. “It’s time that these disturbing practices are brought to an end. The federal proceedings are a positive step towards holding rogue Republicans accountable and putting an end to these sadistic border policies that defy our shared humanity.”

The Senator’s response resonates with his commitment to justice, empathy, and the well-being of migrants, citizens and law enforcement affected by Operation Lone Star. He emphasizes the importance of the federal government’s role in ensuring that the United States and Texas uphold its values, even in the face of challenging situations.
